Who is Dansk Byggeri?

Dansk Byggeri is part of Dansk Industri. It is an industry community where the members consist of companies that work with construction, civil engineering, and the construction industry. Right now, there are close to 6,000 companies that employ a total of around 75,000 people affiliated with Dansk Byggeri.

Focus on member services

We developed a new website for Dansk Byggeri, which at the time had its own website and was not a subpage for Dansk Industri. Our task was to develop a complete, corporate website for the industry association with the clear purpose of meeting members and their service needs. These needs consisted of many different, important member functions from company profiles to salary data. Our task was to make all these services a natural part of the website through both thorough backend codes and nice frontend design.

The solution

To solve the desire for the many functions for the members on the website, we made an integration to MemberCare. You can read more about the integration itself below under 'features'. We created a new module "My page", where members can log in and view their data, change profile or company information, find and download relevant documents and much more. In addition, we focused on a simple design, so that the members' experience on the website was simple and usable.


Integration with MemberCare

We developed an API integration for the MemberCare system. This gave Dansk Byggeri the opportunity to extract all the relevant data from MemberCare, so that members were presented with it under "My page". With the integration, many functions became possible for the members. Among other things, they could report salary sums, update their profile, view and sign up for courses, find and download all kinds of documents and a wide range of other functions.



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Carsten Düring