Who is Copenhagen's Language Center?

Copenhagen Language Center offers, as the name indicates, language teaching in Danish as a second language. Copenhagen Language School has more than 6,000 students a year who come from all over the world. It is primarily foreign nationals who receive tuition at the language school who have a focus on lively and creative learning.


New, clear website

It was our task to design and develop a new website that was easy to navigate, but at the same time contains all the information that the language center needs to convey. It was part of the task that the site is compatible on different devices, in addition, it was also part of the task to develop an implementation for the system you book cruisers in, to make the booking even more accessible. Of course, it was also the task to develop a page that can be expanded to several languages ​​- so that even beginners have a chance to book a course.


The solution

With the development in WordPress, we solved the task for Copenhagen Language Center. We made sure that the design of the page exudes the professionalism that Copenhagen Language Center works with, at the same time with a dynamic and liveliness in the form of responsive design. The design entices visitors down the page, so they are presented with the information KS wants, with the blog at the bottom and an offer to sign up for the newsletter.


Integration for course booking

It was an important part of the task to develop a discreet integration into the course system. It is crucial that integration always plays out, because it is the basis of Copenhagen Language Center's work that both new and former students can book courses and find the perfect course. The integration is on the front but has an entire underside attached.



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Carsten Düring